Frequently Asked Questions

How long will my appointment take?
Your initial appointment, typically an hour in length, will be used to complete necessary paperwork and begin gathering information to develop a treatment plan. Subsequent sessions are usually 45 to 50 minutes in length. Frequency of visits will be discussed.
What is the rate for sessions?
Rates are based on an established fee schedule and will be discussed during our initial phone consultation.
How can I make payment?
Payment is expected at the time services are rendered and may be in the form cash, check or credit card.
Do you participate with my insurance?
We are participating providers with the following insurances:
Blue Cross/Blue Shield plans (including Federal)
Capital Blue Cross
Optum/United Healthcare (we do not participate with EAP)
Aetna Commercial Insurance
Magellan Healthcare
What can I do if you do not participate with my insurance?
If the practice does not participate with your insurance company, you may have out of network benefits to use for these services. You can inquire about this by calling the phone number on the back of your insurance card and ask about your benefits for outpatient mental health services. If you chose to use out of network benefits, we will be happy to provide you with a receipt for reimbursement for your sessions.